Have you heard about PCOD AND PCOS? Ever wondered what exactly happens to women who suffer from this?
Medically speaking, PCOD or PCOS is a hormone imbalance disorder that is caused by insulin resistance, which leads to the formation of cysts in the ovaries. These cysts are responsible for the over-secretion of certain hormones, causing a shift in androgen levels. Androgens are male sex hormones that are usually present in a woman’s body in very small quantities.
A woman who is diagnosed with PCOS displays these symptoms
Irregular Periods:
A missed period or two doesn’t warrant PCOD/PCOS. However, if you consistently miss periods for over 6 months or so and face health problems due to irregular periods, you might want to consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Excessive body hair:
While body hair is absolutely normal and does not require your alarm, you should pay a visit to your gynaecologist if you find excessive hair growth on your face, back, chest, buttocks, and stomach. The excessive hair growth is known as hirsutism.
Small skin excesses:
Skin tags are signs of PCOD and PCOS that often go unnoticed. If you spot more than a few on your neck or armpits, it’s time to go have a chat with your gynaecologist.

Dark Patches of Skin:
Dark skin patches on the back of your neck, under your breasts, and in your underarms can also be suggestive of PCOD and PCOS.
Weight gain:
If you notice a sudden weight gain, specifically around your abdomen, you could be dealing with PCOD or PCOS. This happens due to insulin resistance and a slowed metabolism. This may even result in difficulty during the process of losing weight.

Thinning of scalp hair:
Male pattern baldness is a sure sign of PCOD/PCOS. If you find yourself with a rapidly increasing widow’s peak, get to the doctor as soon as possible.
Problems in conceiving:
PCOD/PCOS messes up your body’s ability to conceive easily. If you have been trying for a while and have seen no results, a trip to the gynaecologist is suggested.