Your Baby’s First Valentine’s Day
There’s something so exciting about a baby’s firsts. First time they talk or first time they walk. A memorable first Valentine’s Day sets the tone for the ones they’ll have after. Soon, they’ll be going out on dates with their partners, in what seems like the blink of an eye. So let’s cherish the time we can still hold them in our arms and dance to slow music together.
Collect memories:
It’s almost a guarantee that your little one won’t have any memories of these events that we get so worked up over, but when they look back on the things from that time, they’ll be filled with awe. Imagine looking at your own tiny baby clothes and being in awe of how little you must have been. Photos are the best for this, memories frozen in time, as well as preserving the cute little outfits you are sure to come up with.
Pick out a show stopping outfit:
Okay let’s get this clear, babies are CUTE. Almost impossibly so. And Valentine’s Day has the most flattering color scheme as well, pulling out the pinks in your baby’s cheeks. A little baby dressed in a pink, red and/or white little dress or tux? Some cuteness-induced melting will surely occur. On the topic of melting though, make sure no freezing happens. February is still a cold month in most regions and your baby needs to be warm AND cute. Discomfort and crankiness isn’t what we’re looking forward to.
Have a family date:

Remember when you were young and Valentine’s was all about having the perfect date? Well, having a baby doesn’t change that. Your date can include your baby as well for sure. A sweet family dinner, a family friendly restaurant or a picnic at the park, with your loved ones? Sounds like an amazing date to me.
Get the friends and family in on it:
Valentine’s day greetings with little baby kisses on it, or with a sweet family selfie? Cute. Pinterest, our holy grail of DIY, is bursting with ideas, or simple grocery store greeting cards work just as well.
Maybe go over to grandma’s home with a little balloon clutched in the cutie’s fist? Make the godmother’s day at work with their favorite cutie’s cuddles? All good ideas if it works for you.
Spend some time with your partner:
Let’s be honest. Being a parent is exhausting, and it can put its strain on a relationship. Valentine’s Day isn’t only for the young ones in puppy love. Reiterate to your partner how important they are in your life and let the romance bloom. Scented candles, maybe a babysitter to keep the little one distracted for a late night date, you get the idea. Maybe pick out gifts for each other? Even if you don’t have time, a new tie or flowers aren’t the worst idea.
Make plaster art:
This is something we’re obsessed with when it comes to every holiday. An imprint of your baby’s hands or feet, to mark their growth during every holiday? Beautiful.
Holidays are special partly because they mark the passage of time, and there will be a day soon when your baby isn’t a baby anymore, so celebrating the love you have for them is important not only on Valentine’s Day, but in every second possible. But hey, never leave an excuse for cranking it up