As Winter approaches and weather patterns change, our habits and bodily functions experience changes. These changes lead to irregularity in periods and cause discomfort. Here are 7 such things that may cause irregular periods in winter:

Reduced Ovarian Activity
During winter, women experience an increase in hormone secretion and a reduction in the frequency of ovulation. On average, women experience a shorter cycle by 0.9 days in summer than in winter.
Weakened Immune System
An increase in moisture and the cold atmosphere of winters are suitable conditions for bacteria and viruses to thrive, which leads to an upscale in health conditions and a weakening of the immune system in some women. The lining of the uterus is also part of the immune system, so its weakening affects the menstrual cycle.

Lack of Sunlight
In some parts of the country, clouds and fog cover the sky the whole day or in the morning when essential Vitamin-D rich sunlight is coming in. This affects the amount of calcium in the woman’s body and triggers PMS. Lack of sunlight also affects the regular functions of the thyroid and endocrine systems and leads to a reduction in the activity of these glands.
Compressed Blood Vessels
In the season of winter, the blood vessels contract due to the cold weather, which interferes with the normal flow of blood and increases the intensity of pain in periods.

Nutrition and Hydration
Eating habits during winter experience drastic changes. The digestion and metabolism of the body slow down to conserve heat, which leads to a lack of absorption of nutrients. The water intake is also reduced due to cold weather. This change of habits affects the body adversely and affects the menstrual cycle.
Lack of Physical Activity
For many women, the amount of physical activity is reduced during winter and leads to hormonal imbalance and fluctuations in body weight which in turn causes irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Sleep Patterns
When the daylight reduces during winter, a change in sleeping patterns happens. This change causes a loss of essential sleep and cold weather and reduced exposure to sunlight causes fatigue. This drastic change in resting sleep time plays an active role in causing irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
How to tackle these Irregularities in Winter?
While these changes have effects on menstrual health, a few steps could be taken to deal with them.

- Stay active, and take a brisk walk daily, if outdoor activities are not possible then the practice of yoga shall be adopted.
- Take sunlight from the morning sun whenever possible.
- Avoid food items that cause bloating to help with cramps. Consume food items rich in Vitamin B6 and magnesium to help with period pain and drink ample amounts of water.
- Take hot baths and use heating pads or a hot water bottle to expand the blood vessels and ease the pain caused by cramps.
- A massage also helps positively in reducing tension in the abdomen, back, and legs.
- Consult your doctor when the symptoms become severe.